Masters Running

What is a Masters Runner and What is the Masters Running Age?

What does masters mean in running and what is the masters running age? 

If you are curious about that, you are in the right place. Masters running events continue to gain popularity. In fact, over half of marathon finishers are masters runners.

The masters running age is 40 and over. A masters runner is quite simply, a runner past the age of 40. 

What is a masters runner

What is grand masters in running? What age is grand masters in running?

The grand masters running age is generally above age 60 although some races may consider the grandmasters running age as over 50. It’s best to check the specific website for the running race you are training for to see what their masters running age division breakdown is.  Occasionally, races will have a veterans running age including those over 50.

If you are wondering how to become a masters runner or how to become a grand masters runner, you should check out our Tips post. It’s never too late to start running and find the joy and love for the roads.

What is the typical masters age group running for races? 

Depending on the size of the race, typical age groups are broken down into 5 year or 10 year increments. Again, always double-check the site for their specific running age divisions.

Runners can compare their current times based on their age by using specific calculators. These are really helpful for runners seeing times slow down as they age- it’s a great way to get perspective and an accurate comparison of times adjusted for aging.

Masters Track and Field Events

Now, for Masters Track and Field events, the definition is different and “masters” begins at age 35. This is 5 years earlier than the Masters Running age for road races.

The Masters Track and Field Events include competition in 5 year age groups for men and women separately. An additional category for athletes ages 30-34 is called sub-masters. Often, Masters Track and Field meets include all the typical track and field events (sprints, distance events, hurdles, throws and jumps).

A list of upcoming Masters Track and Field meets can be found here:

Quite simple, isn’t it? Masters running has incredible benefits!

Remember that whatever your age, pace, and distance, you are a runner if you get out the door and go!

Be sure to check out all of our resources for senior running- if you are over 40 and just getting started OR are a veteran runner, we have resources for you!

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