52 Inspirational Quotes About Running And Life to Keep You Moving Down the Road of Life
If you are struggling with motivation to go running or just want a little extra bounce to your step, pick one of these quotes about running and life each week.
We’ve gone through tons of inspirational running quotes and come up with these 52 (one for each week!). You can’t go wrong with these running quotes about life.
Lost running motivation? This is NORMAL. Motivation alone doesn’t keep us going- habit does. Here are some running motivation tips!
How You Can Use The Best Motivational Running Quotes
- Write on your bathroom mirror with a dry erase marker
- Take a picture of one of the best running quotes and save it as your cell phone wallpaper
- Send one of these great running quotes to a friend who needs a pick me up

Where could you be 1 year from now if you intentionally add inspirational quotes about running and life to your daily life? Get started today! Running quotes, inspirational:
If you ever feel like you are ‘too old to run’, this is one of the encouraging running quotes to start with.
1. Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind. – Jackie Joyner Kersee
Have you ever struggled with feeling like challenges were always coming at you? What if you looked at them as opportunity? If you are looking for motivation to start running, look in the mirror. You have what you need inside of you.
2. If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you. –Fred Devito
It may not be from a runner, but this is a running quotes inspirational saying you need to take to heart.
3. You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. –Michael Jordan
Here’s one of the best running quotes for days where getting out of bed is tough! The motivation to go running isn’t always there. Those are the nights when we need to sleep in our running clothes so there’s no doubt in our mind what we will do the next morning.
4. Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t. –Jerry Rice
Need a reminder about failure in running or life? I personally love quotes about running and life; you will love this one too.
5. You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take. –Wayne Gretzky

Have you ever seen the ultra-fast runners and just felt like you will never get to that point? This is one of the best running quotes with respect to putting in the work.
6. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. –Tim Notke
What are you doing every morning to make your life your own? Read our Top Ten Tips for Running Over Age 40.
7. Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen. –Wayne Huizenga
When you think about what you are running or racing for, what do you think of? This is one of the great running quotes you don’t want to forget. Maybe you need marathon running motivation or just a kick start to walk a mile around your neighborhood.
8. A lot of people run a race to see who’s the fastest. I run to see who has the most guts. –Steve Prefontaine
Are you busy talking about what you want to become or who you want to be or are you out there doing it?
9. The best way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. –Walt Disney
Do you live your life with regrets? Stop now and start living a life where you learn from failure.
10. I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done. –Lucille Ball
If you need a quote mid-way through a run, training plan, or race, this is a great running quote.
11. You didn’t come this far to only come this far. –Anonymous
Here at Running With Grit, we love ‘grit’. How do you apply the lessons from running to life?
12. Grit is living life like it’s a marathon, not a sprint.—Angela Duckworth
If you start to feel fearful about your goals and plans, turn to this quote about marathon life.
13. When fear knocks, let faith answer the door. –Robin Roberts
Need a little push out the door? Stop thinking in miles or hours and think in steps or seconds.
14. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. –Lao Tzu
Get a little power in your step by chanting this inspirational life quote! Bonus energy will come from playing the hit song!
15. I am not throwing away my shot. –Hamilton, The Musical
Feeling a little less confident than you want to? Confidence is built from doing hard things- use this quote to remember your power. Listen to other runners’ stories on our Running After Age 40 Podcast.
16. You’ve always had the power, my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.—Glinda The Good Witch, The Wizard of Oz
You may not get physically knocked down while running, but you certainly may hit the wall. What are you going to do to keep yourself going?
17. It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up. –Vince Lombardi
Hitting a time or a number may make you happy for a few days. Real happiness comes from taking action every day.
18. Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions. –Dalai Lama
Consistency is key- this is a great running quote to put on your wall.
19. What you do every day matters more than what you do every once in a while. –Unknown
If you can’t run, find something else to keep you active. Strength train. Walk. Bike. Just move. Running quotes about life show us just how the two work in tangent.
20. If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. –Milton Berle
Check out the Running With Grit Merch to keep you motivated on the go.
If you are like me, it takes a bit of time to feel ready to run. Sometimes, you just gotta force yourself out the door.
21. If you spend too much time thinking about it, you’ll never get it done. –Bruce Lee
This one is perfect for your cell phone wallpaper. Little things add up!
22. Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you want to become. –James Clear
Sticking with the actions theme-these quotes about running and life make all the difference.
23. We must remember we are not the sum of our intentions but of our actions. –Brendon Burchard
A well known one, but so good, especially for the night before a race!
24. It always seems impossible until it is done. –Nelson Mandela
25. Start by doing the necessary, then the possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. –St. Francis of Assisi
As we run, our minds wander. This is a good thing! Make sure you bring your thoughts back to where YOU want them.
26. Our life is what our thoughts make it. –Marcus Aurelius
Let’s face it. Runners are not going to be motivated to run all of the time. That’s why movement needs become a habit just like brushing your teeth.
27. Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. –Jim Ryun
Running isn’t going to be easy- neither is life. How will you handle it? Encouraging running quotes are one way to help you handle the tough times- it will get you running when you don’t feel like running.
28. It’s not the load that breaks you down. It’s the way you carry it. –C.S. Lewis
It only takes a little extra to become extraordinary.
29. The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. –Jimmy Johnson
What do you dare to do?
30. We must dare, dare again, and go on daring! –Georges Jacques Danton
Read this one and reread it again.
31. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. –Christopher Robin
Some people will think you are crazy for running. Some people will judge you. Remember this:
32. If you’re lucky enough to be different, don’t ever change. –Taylor Swift
Sure, there are the ‘best’ training plans and ‘quick’ ways to get in shape. In reality, it’s a lot of hard work and dedication.
33. There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. –Beverly Sills
This is one of the best running quotes for long runs when you have time to yourself to think and dream.
34. I’m alone, but I’m not lonely. I like who I am. I like who I’m becoming. –Deena Kastor
How badly do you want it?
35. You have to do the scary thing. Do the work that presents itself if you’re serious about changing your life. –Jen Sincero

The beauty of it is that if you put in the work, it will pay off.
36. Nothing will work unless you do. –Maya Angelou
No excuses- this is a general quote, but it could also be considered one of the best running motivational quotes.
37. Control your own destiny or someone else will. –Jack Welch
Step up to the starting line with confidence no matter what.
38. It’s best to act with confidence, no matter how little right you have to it. –Lillian Hellman
Just keep going. Even if you think you are running slow, making no progress- keep going.
39. If you’re tired of starting over, stop giving up. –Shia Labeouf
Again, just start!
40. You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will. –Stephen King
You can’t get good at anything if you don’t start.
41. You don’t have to be good to start…you just have to start to be good. –Joe Sabah
Another amazing quote about running and life from one of the running greats.
42. Believe that you are mentally tough and that foundational belief will lead to positive thoughts, which will lead to actions that show that you are mentally tough. –Ryan Hall
Potential means nothing if you don’t do something. Find accountability in our Run Over 40 Club.
43. Our potential is one thing. What we do with it is quite another. –Angela Duckworth
You gotta be a bit crazy. Or a lot.
44. Grit, determination, the right amount of crazy, self believe- everything it takes to be a champion. –Dustin Poirier
Don’t delay. Don’t wait till the weather is perfect or you have the perfect outfit. Just move.
45. If you are delaying until it’s perfect, you won’t have the momentum and confidence to create and expand. –Jenna Kutcher
Asking ourselves the tough questions is what makes the difference.
46. Ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow. –Anonymous
Who matters to you?
47. Be who you say you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. –Bernard Baruch
The perspiration is real!
48. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. –Thomas Edison
Focus on the one percent.
49. If you get one percent better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done. –James Clear
Stop thinking of how long it will take and a step forward.
50. Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway. –Earl Nightingale
Momentum is what you need!
51. Momentum is easy to lose and almost impossible to fake. –Shaun King
Don’t forget you just need to get started. The last of the quotes about running and life brings you back to the basics.
52. All glory comes from daring to begin. –Eugene F. Ware
Share this list with a friend or running group who would enjoy a list of the best running motivational quotes.